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Obsidian Global LLC. awarded Task Order to provide Avaya Onsite Engineering Services at MacDill Air Force Base.
September 18, 2020 - MacDill AFB, FL—
Obsidian Global was awarded a 3 year contract to provide on-site Avaya Engineering services in support of the US Air Force’s 6th Air Refueling Wing at MacDill AFB, FL.
The 6th Air Refueling Wing provides day-to-day mission support to more than 3,000 personnel along with more than 50 mission partners, including the United States Central Command and United States Special Operations Command. It is a force capable of rapidly projecting air refueling power anywhere in the world. The 6 ARW is organized into four unique groups and three operational flying squadrons to carry out its mission to provide air refueling, airlift, and air base support. Obsidian Engineers will support telephone switch maintenance, upgrades, and system sustainment services for the Avaya Call Manager system.